Redcar’s ‘virtual shops’ – with added authenticity

Graham Soult

Retail consultant, writer, blogger; helping retailers via and Say hello on Twitter at @soult!

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9 Responses

  1. scott says:

    Great to see you visiting redcar and finding some delight in what is a town trying to re-invent it’s self.

    I my self live within the borough of Redcar & Cleveland and we do consider ourselves part of North Yorkshire.

  2. Retrogadget says:

    I too, was in Redcar a fortnight ago and the appearance of the ‘virtual shops’ certainly made an impression. In fact at one end of the High Street – furthest from the clock tower end – there seemed to be more ‘virtual shops’ than actual ones!
    Being a Midlander and a yearly visitor to Redcar, we tend to refer to the area as Teesside – even though that has a bit of an industrial ‘tone’ to it. We much prefer to say Cleveland, but you still have to explain to people down here where exactly Cleveland is!

  3. Dan says:

    I think North Yorkshire is more than fine. Teesside is equally appropriate, in the same way Gateshead can be referred to as Tyneside.

  4. Dan says:

    Please don’t call it the Tees Valley, Graham.

    • Graham Soult says:

      I’m sorry! It’s a difficult one – if I say North Yorkshire it confuses things, because then it suggests that Redcar isn’t in the ‘North East’. What solution do you recommend? :) (Admittedly, on reflection, my reference to ‘Tees Valley coast’ does sound geographically rather strange…)

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