Cladding goes up on Newcastle’s Primark as new city centre developments take shape

Graham Soult

Retail consultant, writer, blogger; helping retailers via and Say hello on Twitter at @soult!

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5 Responses

  1. Nb says:

    Any idea why Primark are currently demolishing the front of their store?!

    • Graham Soult says:

      Good point! I’m not sure if that was always part of the plan, but opening certainly isn’t going to happen in December – more likely the spring, I’m told.

      • Mark says:

        The front was always going to be knocked down as it was a staircase, the job is supposed to be complete jan/feb time. The shop may be open but roof works and such I very much doubt.

  2. Rob says:

    Hate the bland as butter openings on the main Monument Mall entrances. They’re totally out of keeping with the existing buildings and do nothing to enhance the streetscape at all. The old awnings were very well done and should have been kept. I fancy the main Monument entrance will look even more incongruous, undoing much of the effort made by the original architects to make the building fit in.

    • Graham Soult says:

      I know what you mean! I welcome the rejigging of Monument Mall’s retail mix, but I too plan to reserve judgment for now on the finished appearance. I’m sure it will hang together more successfully once it’s been cleaned and any signage is in place.

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